VerifiedSAFE™ Reporting
VerifiedSAFE™ reporting is our way of helping Hospitals and Clinics provide safety, supervision, and emotional care to their medical staff and patients. Through MicroID testing and ATP rapid on-site testing data, DisinfectWells microbiologist analyses your healthcare environment. By establishing a microbial baseline, we then inform specific disinfection protocol and frequency recommendations. Monthly reporting for hospitals and quarterly reporting for Clinical settings provide visibility and validation for your healthcare space. VerifiedSAFE™ Reporting also offers the opportunity to address problem areas in your hygiene protocols or present janitorial cleaning services. Should your organization require more data or an increased frequency of reporting (or both), we can accommodate to address your desired level of contamination visibility. We are excited about the developing correlation between VerifiedSAFE™ Reporting data and HAI/CAI reduction year over year.